I just love old time Blues music. It's so captivating! On this webpage you'll find hundreds of songs and videos that I rotate in an out. I try to always keep new stuff posted, I'm a night owl and I'm always working on some new song or idea,
or maybe better yet said, some old sounding 1890's soundtrack made late last night .....a 100 years ago
...Does that make any sense?
I am always experimenting with used and vintage recording gear. I especially love cheap and used vintage microphones and old electronics with worn out speakers. I always seem to fall into the most creative landscapes of tone when I record with the cheap and out dated gear.
These old forgotten sounds of the past are like taking a journey back in time. Imagine walking through an old ghost town in the 1880's, the suspense, the mystery, the whispers that you can barley hear.
All of the music and videos on this site are made with cigar box guitars - No regular guitars were used in these recordings.
If you have any questions or comments - email me at john@reddogguitars.com
Something old and something new....something vintage.... and something Blues!
I think that's how the saying goes?
Probably not, but i just wanted to have some fun with some of these recordings, vintage slide guitar, yet with a few modern twist.
This is my latest album release for summer 2023. I just decided to make everything New....so here you have it, New School Blues : )
but hey, it's still the same old stuff, all recorded with only 3 and 4 string cigar box guitars.
This album is $14 instant download. These mp3 songs play on any computer, phone, or digital device.
A lot can be done with a 3 string guitar, you can record old time blues with little effort, but you can also record modern styles too.
These guitars have a naturally vintage sound that doesn't require much effort to play and sound well. You can let the guitar work for you because the tone is so unique.
Three string guitars are fun and easy to play. It's much easier to learn how to play a cigar box guitar than it is to learn how to play on a regular 6 string guitar.
Early Blues and slide guitar that was played on these homemade instruments was created by people who most often didn't know any form of music theory or what musical chords and keys were. Many of them could not even read the written word.
If the musicians who played Blues music in the 1880's didn't know music theory or complicated math, then neither do you. You do not need to learn chords or complicated music structure to play great sounding blues music on a 3 string guitar.
On this DVD I will explain the method of how to play guitar by feeling and ear. These lessons will teach you in a simple and easy manner how to play guitar that sounds like it's from the past. It doesn't matter what your age is or how well you can or can't use your hands or fingers. If you can use a computer keyboard, you too can play a 3 string guitar.
Watch this short video below, you will see that these guitars don't require much effort to play. Slide guitar is basically just one finger guitar with a few plucks here and there. You can let the guitar work for you because the tone of the instrument is so unique.
When I was in my teens, I was totally fascinated with learning how to play the guitar. I tried to learn from many teachers. I had a very skilled guitar teacher, but when he spoke it was so confusing to me. He spoke clearly, but it was all just too perplexing for my ears.
I was not the type of person who could grasp, "it's a G chord with this note as the root....or it's with a minor 7th,...or it's an F#"...and so on.
I remember thinking to myself, "How am I ever going to learn?"
I also found it too hard and frustrating to learn by trying to memorize fretboard maps or layouts with charts and dots from math that I didn't understand in the first place. I just wanted to be able to enjoy learning how to play the guitar.
As for me, I love hearing that old time deep southern blues. It makes me feel like I've been transported back into the past to a simpler time long ago. So in the end, I have spent 30 years studying and learning many different guitar techniques and styles. In the process, I've learned how to play guitar by feeling and ear. I can now teach you how to play the same way.
This DVD is not like the other standard "hard to learn" guitar courses
On this DVD,
NO math is involved
NO scientific music theory
These lessons are different. I will explain how to play guitar using easy to understand terms and concepts so you can play and create your own music that will sound compelling and moving to hear.
These lessons have been broken down into small easy to learn step-by-step building blocks that we will then put together to achieve an authentic old time vintage sound. With just a little patience and practice, you'll be able to create dramatic and captivating music without using difficult math or any music theory.
Imagine a time long ago and a farmer sitting in a rocking chair on the front porch after a long days work in the fields. He's holding in his hands a homemade guitar that was made out of an old used cigar box and some scraps of wood.
He's just sitting there relaxing and not thinking too hard about how to create music. He didn't have a computer or cell phone to compare himself to others. He's just sitting there playing guitar on a breezy afternoon without a care in the world. He's having fun and entertaining himself playing songs that his heart and ears can enjoy. - If he can do it, so can you.
These guitars are rewarding to play. Anyone can learn to play one with just a little time and patience.
If you have read this far, Thanks for your time and consideration in allowing me to share with you how to play and if you have any questions email me - john@reddogguitars.com
This video is $18 instant download and Checks out thru PayPal.
This is Delta Blues music that was recorded using 3 sting guitars.
My goal with this album was to take the listener back in time the early 1900's as if you were actually there... to relive those old dust bowl recordings and ghost towns from long ago.
I set out to record these songs to sound and feel as authentic as possible. The music on this disc was played on several different types of three string guitars. I've also recoreded with resonator box guitars and a few different cigar box guitars that had uncommon tunings to paint a more primitive audio pitcure.
There is no singing or band - no regular guitars were used on this album.
This album is $14 instant download. These mp3 songs play on any computer, phone, or digital device.
In these recordings I set out to recreate the 1920's and 30's era. There is no singing or using words, it's of olny guitar recordings. These songs tell a story all of their own, Juke Joints, old ghost towns, and lots of glass bottleneck slide guitar. There's a few modern Electric Chicago style twist too. It will keep you on your toes like those old school two tone leather shoes.
Well, time for me to go, I've got much more I could share, but space on this page is limited and we are at the bottom. If you want to see more art and photos, visit the main page. If you want to see even more than that, I have a book on the subject called "Box Guitar Blues."
You'll always find me posting new stuff on Spotify and Youtube.
This old cigar box guitar turned up for sale on ebay a few years back. Just imagine the effort someone put into building this instrument. I only wish I could meet the person who built it and to hear them play it. What a story I it could tell! - How about that craftsmanship, check out the details...now that's dedication
Hey, did you know books are fun to read?
They can even transport you back in time....instantly!
You just never know what your going to see or read on the next page : )
If you would like to see more guitars and art online - visit to the full Red Dog Guitars website at this link below